Investigator Initiated Trials

Atos Medical has a long-standing tradition of clinical evidence showing that our products perform well and are safe to use. Over the years, many studies in our clinical areas have been performed with our products, and we are proud to say that we have strong clinical evidence to support our products.


As part of this, Atos Medical continually initiates clinical studies all over the world. We also support Investigator Initiated studies to generate scientific and clinical data within our therapeutic field.

In an Investigator Initiated Trial (IIT), a clearly defined third-party initiates a study supported by a research grant. Atos Medical provides study-related financial and/or product support, and we welcome applications continuously.

About Investigator Trials

We welcome unsolicited research proposals that fall within our areas of interest under each therapeutic area of focus. All requests must be in writing and outline the type, nature, and objectives of the research activity. Our areas of interest include:

  • Laryngectomy
  • Tracheostomy
  • Jaw Rehabilitation

You can find further details on our areas of interest here:

    Areas of interest

    How do I apply?

    If you have an Investigator Initiated Trial idea and would like to apply for financial and/or product support, please fill out the form below and we will reach out with a Study Proposal form to you.

    Atos Medical commits to review the Investigator Initiated Trial proposal and provide its initial feedback and potential requests for further information within 5 days.

    Please note that if your application is approved, Atos Medical will require a copy of the approved study protocol, as well as the ethical committee decision letter. Please note that all support is contingent upon a signed collaboration agreement.

    Investigator Initiated studies graph of application process

    *required fields

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