HCP Event Hub /
Post-operative Pulmonary Care Pathway

Post-operative Pulmonary Care Pathway



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In this webinar, the post-operative care of patients after laryngectomy will be discussed. The care by the nurses, the training of huffing and sputum management, the use of post-operative HMEs will be in focus, as well as the use of cannulas and adhesives. The immediate use of HMEs post-operatively for laryngectomized patients can optimize pulmonary function and overall quality of life.

The Netherlands Cancer Institute will share post-operative clinical care guidelines to facilitate adoption of this proactive pulmonary care pathway, to reduce pulmonary complaints and increase patient satisfaction.

The webinar will also provide an opportunity for the audience to ask our team of experts questions.


February 25, 2025, at 19.30 – 21.00 CET 

Learning objectives

  • Summarize the evidence describing the benefits of HMEs and adhesives for laryngectomized patients post-operatively, to optimize pulmonary function and overall quality of life
  • Describe nursing care guidelines to facilitate adoption of HMEs and adhesives post-operatively


0-5 min: Welcome and introduction
5-40 min: Overview of clinical evidence supporting the use of HMEs and adhesives post-operatively for laryngectomy patients
40-60 min: Nursing care guidelines to facilitate sputum management and adopt HMEs and adhesives post-operatively
60-90 min: Q & A 

Expert panel:

Prof. Dr. Michiel van den Brekel

Head and Neck Surgeon, Netherlands Cancer Institute

Michiel van den Brekel, MD, PhD is Otolaryngologist-Head and Neck Surgeon at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam since 2000. He received his Ph.D. at the Free University of Amsterdam in 1992 on assessment of lymph node metastases in the neck. ​

His research is primarily focused on imaging and biology of head and neck cancer, prognostic markers, and in all rehabilitation aspects after total laryngectomy. From September 2009 until February 2023 he was chairman of the department, and since December 2011 professor at the University of Amsterdam for ‘Oncology-related voice and speech disorders’. He co-authored over 300 peer-reviewed papers.​


Samina Kiyani

Head and Neck Oncology Nurse, Netherlands Cancer Institute

Samina Kea-Kiyani is a registered oncology nurse with 14 years of experience, specializing in head and neck oncology at the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital. In addition to her work as an oncology nurse, Samina has been a practice coach for the past 3 years, guiding nurses through various educational trajectories. Her dedication to providing the best possible care for patients, combined with her passion for mentoring and supporting colleagues, has made her a valuable asset in both.


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